1384496866_566496332_1-Pictures-of--carpet-cleaningAs you may already know, the regulation of the work of household employees had already been modified by the Law 27/2011, of 1 August, which integrated these workers in the General System of Social Security. However, given the low success of this reform and the large numbers of employees who are still working irregularly, the Government issued the Royal Decree 29/2012, of the 28th December, that entered into force on the 1st of April.

The main innovation of the reform has been the reintroduction of the possibility that a household employee can register him or herself directly in the Social Security, facilitating the possibility that they can work for several employers at once. To do so, there must be an agreement between the worker and the employer and the monthly working time must not exceed 60 hours.

Similarly, the scale of contributions owed to Social Security and  introduced by the reform of 2011 has been simplified. Currently, the contribution rate will be 22 ‘ 90%, corresponding 19′ 05% to the employer and 3’ 85% to the employee.

For more information on the law governing domestic work, residence permits and work permits, visit http://www.rodriguezbernal.com/2011/index.php?lang=en or contact us directly at mathos@rodriguezbernal.com
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