Brexit still is not here, but things will change from January 1, 2021. This situation raises a great deal of doubt about the residence of British citizens in other countries. Living and working in an EU depends on the rules in that country. UK and EU leaders are trying to agree how their future relationship will work. How to get ready for the end of the transition period? What do you have to do to wake up calmly on January 1, 2021 having everything updated? Nationals of the United Kingdom and the members of their families have the right to receive a residence TIE document that reflects their status as beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement and can be solicited from July 6, 2020. The current residence cards have to be changed into this new type before 31 of December.
The validity of the same will be for five years for non-permanent residents and ten years for permanent residents. In case you are living in Spain but have never obtained the registration certificate (EU card), we will help you to apply for a residence permit. From the 1st of January of 2021, all British citizens will fall under the general immigration regime.
Important! The telematic submission is available in our law office.
In case of need, contact with a immigration lawyer at Rodríguez Bernal Law Practice
Tel: +00 34 627 538 370
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