En español. We provide complete and personalized consulting services for organizations that want to initiate or have already initiated the process of internationalization, exporting or importing. More and more tariff barriers between countries are being eliminated since the decade of the nineties, which contributes to the increase in the flow of commercial relations between different…
Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal is set to take on the defence of a man charged with homicide, this being a case well-covered by the Spanish media in the last week. El País (6-3-2014) ABC (6-3-2014) La Sexta (6-3-2014) El Mundo (6-3-2014) Telecinco (6-3-2014) Article by Mark Athos Franklin, English lawyer at the Rodriguez Bernal law firm….
Ya se ha publicado la reforma de la Ley de Tráfico, Circulación de Vehículos a Motor y Seguridad Vial, la cual entrará en vigor dentro de un mes. Como novedades más importantes, cabe señalar las siguientes: 1) Se permite incrementar los límites de velocidad hasta 130 km/h en determinados tramos de autovías y autopistas. 2) …
En español. Auf Deutsch. Eight days ago Royal Decree 3/2014, of the 28th of February, of urgent measures for the promotion of permanent workers was announced. It was an unexpected, as a new work reform was nor planned for 2014. The Spanish Government seeks now to encourage the hiring of more permanent workers. For this…
In previous posts, we have already commented on the increase in the cost of living in Spain for the average expatriate, focusing especially on tax issues and the poor exchange rate. However, many British residents in Spain may be unaware of some of the ways in which they can maximize the value of their pensions….
Para leer este artículo en español, pincha aquí. The persistent economic crisis has also led to significant changes in the residency system of citizens of the European Union and their family members. The permissive approach existing in Spain by virtue of Royal Decree 240/2007, of February 16, on entry, freedom of movement and residence in…
The attempt by the Spanish Government to attract wealthy investors and retiree´s to Spain has already been a frequent topic on this blog and is evidenced by laws which seek to promote business and settlement In this country. However, it is also alarming to note the contradictory messages being given to expatriates from the United…
Five days ago the Rajoy Government approved the preliminary draft of the Law for the Protection of the Life of the Conceived and of Pregnant Women’s Rights. It is a controversial project, in as much as it collides with the socialist reform of 2010, which regarded abortion as a “woman’s right”, and that did little…
As you may already know, on the 20th of September a draft for a reform of the Spanish Penal Code was published, which, according to Minister for Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, promises to “transform” this branch of the Spanish legal system. The text covers a multitude of facets of criminal law, although its most distinctive feature…