Derecho Penal - Rodríguez Bernal Abogados en MarbellaAntonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal is set to take on the defence of a man charged with homicide, this being a case well-covered by the Spanish media in the last week.

Article by Mark Athos Franklin, English lawyer at the Rodriguez Bernal law firm.
For more articles on Criminal law or for more articles in English, click the links provided.
Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal
At the Rodriguez Bernal law firm we have a department specialised in criminal law that is highly experienced in assisting clients from many countries and nationalities.
For more information about the services we offer on criminal law issues, visit our web site or contact us directly.

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  1. […] Pedro Rodríguez Berna is an experienced criminal lawyer and recognized specialist in extradition […]

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