Five days ago the Rajoy Government approved the preliminary draft of the Law for the Protection of the Life of the Conceived and of Pregnant Women’s Rights. It is a controversial project, in as much as it collides with the socialist reform of 2010, which regarded abortion as a “woman’s right”, and that did little…

Three days ago a Royal Decree-Law was passed aimed at implementing measures to promote labour stability and improve the employability of workers. It is another initiative aimed at promoting a “flexible” labour market, giving companies a series of recruitment formulas that allow them to save on spending. How will the labor reform benefit businesses and…

It has been over eight years since gay couples have been able marry in equality with other Spaniards. Law 13/2005, of the 1st of July, modified one of the fundamental institutions of the Spanish Civil Code, contemplating the union between people of the same sex as legal marriage for the first time. With this reform,…

The eagerness of the Government to introduce reforms in business matters has manifested itself once again with a draft for a “Law for the Improvement of the Corporate Governance of Companies”. The areas that the law intends to reform include general meeting of shareholders, conflicts of interest, the management of the company, votes, appeals against…

It has been three days since the presentation of the draft of the very controversial “Law of Public Safety” in the Council of Ministers. It is a reform that has left few people indifferent, since it affects acts such as insults to public authority or demonstrations without permission before the Congress, that may soon be…

Spain remains one of the most popular retirement destinations for British retirees and it is estimated that close to one million Britons currently live in Spain. Bearing this fact in mind, it is fundamental to understand something of how British pensions are obtained and taxed in Spain. A British ex pat can still receive his…

As one of the few Spanish law offices that specialises in Art Law, we can confirm that the intervention in the complex world of Works of Art and Cultural Goods  necessarily requires expert advice. In this field of expertise, several areas of practice are involved: Criminal Law (smuggling, crimes against Historical Heritage and crimes against…

As you may already know, the regulation of the work of household employees had already been modified by the Law 27/2011, of 1 August, which integrated these workers in the General System of Social Security. However, given the low success of this reform and the large numbers of employees who are still working irregularly, the…

In response to the uncertainty existing in international transactions, the European Union has issued two legal instruments of great interest. In 1984, Spain issued the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users; a law that was intended to establish a set of measures able to resolve the various conflicts that could arise in…

  In response to the many doubts caused by the new Entrepreneur Support Act (Ley de Emprendedores), we offer the following answers to frequently asked questions about the fifty euro flat rate to be paid to Social Security under the new legislation, along with practical examples of it´s application.   1) Who can benefit from…

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