The most complete collection of coins of the Al-Andalus period (Muslim Spain), the Tonegawa Collection, is well known in the numismatic world, and experts consider it to be one of the best. The collection will be sold at auction in Barcelona on 15 February, and in case of foreign acquisition, as El País points out,…

La Sala de lo Contencioso Administrativo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía con sede en Málaga ha resuelto favorablemente cuatro recursos de apelación, correspondientes a personas pertenecientes a la misma familia, frente a cuatro autos dictados por cuatro diferentes Juzgados de lo Contencioso Administrativo de Málaga que, de modo similar, y compartiendo la doctrina…

Tras merecer la aprobación del Comité Académico, el director de este despacho, Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, ha publicado en la prestigiosa Revista Internacional de Derecho de la Comunicación y de las Nuevas Tecnologías (DERECOM) el artículo “El derecho a la libertad de expresión como integrante del estatuto jurídico de las minorías nacionales”.   Libertad de expresión National…

On December 18, 2020, the Administrative Chamber of the National Court (Sixth Section) upheld the appeal filed by …, under the legal direction of Mr. Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, and, against the criteria maintained by the Ministry of Justice granting Spanish nationality to the appellant. The sentence was declared final on April 22, 2021. El…

Last June, the director of this firm, Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, gave the subject “Taxation in Conveyancing of Works of Art”, within the I Master of Specialist in the Art Market Law, organized by the Carlos III University in Madrid, in which he has participated as a professor. The Master, a pioneer in Spain in…

After deserving the approval of the academic committee and the editors, the chapter entitled “Towards the human right to dual nationality for ethnic-cultural reasons”, written by the director of this office, Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, has been published by the editorial Dykinson in the book “Human Rights in the face of the new challenges of…

Brexit Brexit still is not  here, but things will change from  January 1, 2021. This situation raises a great deal of doubt about the residence of British citizens in other countries. Living and working in an EU depends on the rules in that country. UK and EU leaders  are trying to agree how their future relationship…

On July 3, the Director of this office, Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, gave a presentation at the II International Congress on Human Rights and Globalization, organized by the University of Seville (July 1, 2 and 3, 2020). Rodríguez Bernal was part, as a panelist, of the Roundtable “New human rights in the face of globalization”,…

By Judgment of March 6, 2020, the Criminal Chamber of the National Court in Madrid denies extradition of British citizen (…), requested by the authorities of the Kingdom of Thailand, since those authorities had not offered enough guarantees not to apply death penalty. After a tortuous court process, almost half a year in length, which…

El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía estima recurso de apelación preparado por Antonio Pedro Rodríguez Bernal, esclareciendo la cuestión de la pérdida sobrevenida de objeto, cuando las circunstancias que afectan al administrado cambian durante la sustanciación del procedimiento, antes del acto de la vista. No siempre el lento funcionamiento de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa, que…

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