En español. Auf Deutsch. Eight days ago Royal Decree 3/2014, of the 28th of February, of urgent measures for the promotion of permanent workers was announced. It was an unexpected, as a new work reform was nor planned for 2014. The Spanish Government seeks now to encourage the hiring of more permanent workers. For this…
Three days ago a Royal Decree-Law was passed aimed at implementing measures to promote labour stability and improve the employability of workers. It is another initiative aimed at promoting a “flexible” labour market, giving companies a series of recruitment formulas that allow them to save on spending. How will the labor reform benefit businesses and…
The eagerness of the Government to introduce reforms in business matters has manifested itself once again with a draft for a “Law for the Improvement of the Corporate Governance of Companies”. The areas that the law intends to reform include general meeting of shareholders, conflicts of interest, the management of the company, votes, appeals against…